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Hebräische Buchstaben im Spiel
Zeitung in einfachem Hebräisch
Jüdische Weisheit

An Excursion to the Antipatrus Fortress

Ah, a country of sea and mountain, a country of wine and pebbles, this is our beautiful country.

Hi! My name is Hizki, and each week we will set out together to visit beautiful spots.

This Saturday we will set out to the Antipatrus fortress.

A kind morning to all of you. This Saturday, we will visit, as I said, the Antipatrus Fortress.

Soon we will walk on the path which Hamurabi crossed while he crossed the coastline road, and maybe, if we are lucky,  we will be able to see the rare Halavluv plant.

By the way, I see that you've brought snacks with you: no need. Instead we will be able to eat the Hubesa fruits on our way.

On the top, a Crusaders' meal will be awaiting us, exactly like the one the Hamurabi Soldiers used to eat.

This Crusader is service or self service?

First of all speak quietly (weakly). You simply are scaring the birds.

Don't forget that we are guests of nature, and in order to be able to enjoy its delights,

it is important we speak quietly.

No! I am stuck in this hole, with this guy! It is the entire child's fault.

Excuse me!

Once again it didn't want to stop at Shafayim to buy construction materials. You


My friend! Excuse me, I asked once and again: speak quietly.

You are scaring the shrimps.

-Children today don't value.

I really ask you, pleas shut down your gadget.


The Chalavluv plant senses the radiation.

Joshua, enough!

By the way, before we go ahead, I want to feel the earth, like me.

Sense! Sense!

The legend tells us, that exactly this place was Hamurabi's toilettes.

My land of Israel is beautiful and blossoming as well, who built it? Who planted it?

All of us together. I built a house.

Go ahead, friends! Please close in the gaps.

Listen, Curls, the fortress is over there!

First of all, speak quietly. You are pressuring the awels.  Secondly, in order to see the

Halavluv plant, we shall make a small bypass, and will walk in the river-bed.

Well, at least we will be able to bath a little bit.

No, my dear, this is a dry river.

Wait a moment! The child is hungry, we are starving to death. Isn't there a snack bar on

our way?

Yes, there is one, but it also is a dry snack-bar.

But, here is an exceptionally beautiful thing, which'll make you forget your hunger.

The oldest tree in the low-land area.

If we keep silent, we will be able to listen to the leaves rustling, telling stories from the

Hamurabi era.

Yes, Avi, now I can hear you excellently. Please, just let me place myself on this branch.

What have you done?

Don't you know that under this very tree, Hamurabi used to tie his donkey, and unload

his luggage and sexual drive?

Well, of course he doesn't mind any more, isn't it?

Of course Hamurabi don't mind, Hamurabi isn't accountable in front of the Natural Parks

Authority, why always in his group there are problems.

Well, Sivan, I don't like this excursion. I'll go fetch the all wheel drive and within half an

hour I'll be here.

At least take the map so that you'll not get lost, you don't know the place so well as I do.

I really can't recall that here used to be a sewage pipe.

You are crazy! We got lost because of you!

First of all, speak quietly!

I'll not speak quietly!

And what about the child? It is hungry, what about the Hubeza plant you talked about?

Ah! On this issue I'm a little bit not o.k.,  because this is not yet the season, but if he

wants me I can prepare for him a ball out of the Dordorim plant.

He will lick his fingers.


Friends, you will not guess what I see here among the bushes...

The corpses of your former group?

I see the petals of the Halavluv flower!

Follow me!

Sivan, load the child on the car!

What have you done?

You have destroyed the Halavluv, you hooligan!

I suggest you speak nice.

I suggest you speak quietly.

And if I won't?

Understand: when a man doesn't speak quietly, he speaks loudly.

when he speaks loudly the blood climbs into his head.

The scratch in his brain opens up into a deep scratch, and he reaches a state of

"Madness", which forces him to call his psychiatrist from a pay phone, only to find out

from his secretary that he is abroad, and that one can get pills only with a prescription

and not by threats.  The phone line is faulty, and she tells him: speak loudly, but

he may not speak loudly, because this brought him to this state in the first place.

That is why I asked you once and again, speak quietly.

Look! There is reception here.

Hello! Avi!

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