General Information

Online Dectionary (Heb<->Eng)


Hebrew Keyboard 

Index of Course Units

Unit 1 - At the Airport

Unit 2 - An Apartment in Ashdod

Unit 3 - The National Dish

Unit 4 - In the Bus

Unit 5 - In the Post Office

Unit 6 - The Birthday Party

Unit 7 - A bad Day

Unit 8 - A Weekend in Tel-Aviv

unit 9 - The Clinic

Unit 10 - Jerusalem

Unit 11 - The Job Agency

Unit 12 - The Restaurant in Jaffa

Unit 13 - The Candlestick

Unit 14 - Preparing for Saturday

Unit 15 - Independence Day

Unit 16 - The Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial

Unit 17 - Kabbalat Shabat - Celebrating Saturday

Unit 18 - Lake of Galile

Unit 19 - Massada